How to manage your site's calendar to increase the accuracy of your projections
How to manage your site's calendar to increase the accuracy of your projections
How to setup the connection to Xero, import Profit & Loss data and generate Xero invoices
How to setup the connection to Xero, import Profit & Loss data and generate Xero invoices
Event Calendar
How to manage your business calendar to increase the accuracy of your predictions
Event Calendar
How to manage your business calendar to increase the accuracy of your predictions
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Thank you for downloading HospoIQ. Please follow the steps below to get started.
Locate the 'HospoIQ Gateway Installer.msi' file that you just downloaded. This should be located in your ‘Downloads’ folder.
Launch the 'HospoIQ Gateway Installer.msi' file to begin your setup of HospoIQ.
The Gateway will set itself up. However, if it can't find your selected POS database, it will ask for your assistance.
Once the Gateway is installed, a hospoIQ representative will be in touch shortly to provide you access to your hospoIQ reports.
If you need any assistance, contact hospoIQ via the Contact Page or by email at