How to manage your site's calendar to increase the accuracy of your projections
How to manage your site's calendar to increase the accuracy of your projections
How to setup the connection to Xero, import Profit & Loss data and generate Xero invoices
How to setup the connection to Xero, import Profit & Loss data and generate Xero invoices
Event Calendar
How to manage your business calendar to increase the accuracy of your predictions
Event Calendar
How to manage your business calendar to increase the accuracy of your predictions
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Support > When I Work > Overview
Targets can be updated by a manager or owner to set a specific daily goal for a given site or location.
Targets are split into three sections: Sales, Wage % and Gross Profit %.
Sales Targets will default to your Projected Sales generated by hospoIQ, but can be updated to suit your expected Sales. Wage and Gross Profit Targets default to your pre-determined defaults set in the report configuration page.
Your daily Targets will appear in their related pages of your hospoIQ Report and Dashboards and will be used to help review your performance against your own standard.