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hospoIQ provides the ability to monitor Wage Costs and Wage % against sales via mobile dashboards and a range of different reports. To achieve this, hospoIQ integrates with clock times and rosters from your POS and/or rostering systems. Note that hospoIQ can utilise a combination of clock times from your POS and rostered times from a separate software provider, if required.
If staff are clocking in and out using your POS, this information will be automatically included in your wage reporting. You can then elect to setup integration with a third-party rostering system to also include information on time and attendance or rostered wage costs (HospoIQ currently supports integration with goRoster, Deputy, FlexiTime, TimeFiler and WhenIWork). To setup integration with these systems, please refer to our Help Guides: (Go to, Support -> Help Guides).
Note that Wage % is calculated by comparing total Wage Cost vs POS Sales for a given time period (eg, yesterday). For actual wage costs, staff must clock in and out, either via the POS or your rostering system (or in the case of goRoster, rosters must be amended retrospectively to reflect the actual times worked by staff). The hourly staff wage rates must also be set correctly in the source system used for clock ins and outs (see below for setting the hourly wage rates in hospoIQ if this is not the case).
Managing Staff Wage Costs
If hourly staff wage rates are set in your source system, this information will pull through automatically into hospoIQ reports. However, hospoIQ also provides the ability to set the staff hourly wage rates separately if they are not specified. To do this, go to, Login with your credentials, click the menu icon at the top left of the screen, then ‘Staff’. Here you will see the list of Staff populated from your POS and/or Rostering solution.

Here you will see the list of Staff populated from your POS and/or Rostering solution.

Monitoring Wage Costs
Wage Costs - Reports
The ‘Daily Wage Costs’ Report allows you to compare both actual and projected sales vs wage costs for last week, this week and next week. Wage Costs are based on staff clock times, while Projected Wage Costs are based on the roster if there is one, otherwise a historic profile of recent actual wage costs. Projected Wage % compares Projected Wage Costs against Projected Sales.

The report also provides the ability to filter to specific Locations and Departments. With Departments, typically Front of House (FOH) Departments compare FOH wage costs against total sales; whereas Kitchen Departments compare food costs only against Kitchen wages. This configuration is automatically configured for your site. However, to review and/or amend this configuration, under Setup, open Category Groups and Roster Locations to examine how these have been associated with Departments.
​​To drill down to an hourly breakdown of the same measures refer to the ‘Hourly Wage Costs’ Report. To view for a particular day, ensure the Date slicer is set to a single day.

The ‘Wage Costs’ Report also enables you to examine historical Wage Costs and %, with the ability to specify the date range, months and weekdays, and filter by Location and Department.

Wage Costs - Mobile Dashboards
A ‘Wage %’ KPI is shown on each of the mobile Dashboards – Yesterday, Last Week, This Week, Next Week. This compares the wage costs against sales for the associated period. This then provides a high-level indicator of whether wage costs are appropriately aligned with turnover.

The Today and Yesterday Dashboards also provide an hour by hour view of wage cost (both actual and projected) vs. sales. Note that the Today Dashboard will refresh throughout the day, providing you with up-to-date insights on how your current actual or rostered staff align with actual or expected turnover for different times of the day.

Last Week, This Week and Next Week provide a daily breakdown of wage cost vs. sales. This Week and Next Week also include Projected Wage Cost, based on the roster if there is one, otherwise a historic profile of recent actual wage costs. This provides the ability to see, ahead of time, how rostered costs compare to projected sales, providing the opportunity to make adjustments to your staffing in anticipation.